ask an imam

Are you seeking religious counseling services?

Are you confused regarding a fiqhi ruling?

Are you going through some personal problems?

Are you looking for guidance on spiritual growth?

Do you just want someone to talk to?

You’re in the right place!

Have a one-on-one session with Ustadh Usama Baqai for religious counseling. Simply select an available timeslot and you’re scheduled! All communication shall be confidential.


"Moving away from home to a new, secular environment like college is a huge adjustment, and can stunt an individual's spiritual growth. To
continue staying steadfast upon this Deen, one requires constant guidance and a way to remain grounded. After talking with Shaykh Usama
1-on-1, I was able to relay my struggles and gain insight and advice from someone who has not only experienced these trials before, but from one who was qualified to provide authentic Islamic instruction."

"Masha Allah, Shaykh Usama's online platform is an excellent forum for us all to have our religious questions answered. His willingness and ability to share his extensive knowledge with the ummah via an online platform is a unique and effective resource for us all. I hope that more people will start taking advantage of this service, because an
imam who provides direct, personalized advice is preferable to relying on search engines and navigating the ocean of fatawa available online."

About Ustadh Usama Baqai

Ustadh Usama Baqai grew up in Collegeville, PA, attending Spring-Ford school district. He began his journey of Islamic Knowledge in Ajax, Canada where he completed the memorization of the Quran during high school. He went on to study Arabic and Islamic Studies locally in the Philadelphia area while working towards his Bachelor’s degree in Accounting at Temple University. Ustadh Usama then went abroad to study in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah in Saudi Arabia at the prestigious Islamic University of Madinah, completing the Arabic program followed by a four year bachelor’s degree in Shariah. During his time there, he also completed a Diploma in Islamic Chaplaincy taught by the scholars of Masjid Nabawi. He is currently based in Malaysia pursuing is Masters degree in Islamic Finance.